Europe and more
We collaborate(d) with colleagues from other different countries and are active in different networks (see below)- University of Washington, USA: Dr. Lauren Kenworthy & Dr. Greg Wallace
- Holland Bloorview, Canada: Dr. Evdokia Anagnostou
- University of Reading: Dr. Bhismadev Chakrabarti
- University of Notingham, Malysia: Dr.Marieke De Vries
- City University London/Kings’ College, London, England: Dr.Amanda Roestorf, Dr. Dermot Bowler & Dr. Francesca Happé
- KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium: Dr. Saskia van der Oord & Dr. Ilse Noens
- MIND, Sacramento, USA: Dr. Marjorie Solomon
- Karolinska institute, Stockholm, Sweden: Dr. Sven Bölte
- University of Portland, Portland, USA: Dr. Joel Nigg
- University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway: Dr. Jens Egeland